This is the latest recevied packets stored in our database for station/object KE0AKT-8. If no packets are shown the sender has not sent any packets the latest 24 hours.
If you compare the raw packets with similar data from other websites it may differ (especially the path), the reason is that we are not collecting packets from the same APRS-IS servers. Each APRS-IS server performes duplicate filtering, and which packet that is considered to be a duplicate may differ depending on which APRS-IS server you receive your data from.
KE0AKT-8>APRS,TCPIP*,qAS,KC0MWM:/060441h3843.74N/05817.49EO078/076/A=042847 7 Sats 5.50V 13060m 10C LM98DR QP3WDR KE0AKT 20m WSPR Pico Balloon 1183
:KE0AKT-8>APRS,TCPIP*,qAS,KC0MWM:/104441h3751.25N/02637.50EO117/058/A=042125 5 Sats 5.40V 12840m -5C KM37HU QF3VHU KE0AKT 20m WSPR Pico Balloon 1182
:KE0AKT-8>APRS,TCPIP*,qAS,KC0MWM:/094441h3818.75N/02532.49EO112/051/A=042322 12 Sats 5.10V 12900m 5C KM28SH QN3SSH KE0AKT 20m WSPR Pico Balloon 1181
:KE0AKT-8>APRS,TCPIP*,qAS,KC0MWM:/091441h3828.74N/02502.49EO122/055/A=042519 5 Sats 5.40V 12960m 0C KM28ML QI3VML KE0AKT 20m WSPR Pico Balloon 1180
:KE0AKT-8>APRS,TCPIP*,qAS,KC0MWM:/090441h3833.75N/02452.50EO313/065/A=042125 7 Sats 5.40V 12840m 5C KM28KN QM3VKN KE0AKT 20m WSPR Pico Balloon 1179
:KE0AKT-8>APRS,TCPIP*,qAS,KC0MWM:/085441h3826.25N/02502.49EO126/175/A=061614 5 Sats 5.40V 18780m 5C KM28MK QL3VMK KE0AKT 20m WSPR Pico Balloon 1178
:KE0AKT-8>APRS,TCPIP*,qAS,KC0MWM:/084441h3843.74N/02432.49EO122/046/A=042322 12 Sats 5.50V 12900m 0C KM28GR QK3WGR KE0AKT 20m WSPR Pico Balloon 1177
:KE0AKT-8>APRS,TCPIP*,qAS,KC0MWM:/081441h3856.25N/02407.50EO115/051/A=042322 5 Sats 5.50V 12900m -5C KM28BW QF3WBW KE0AKT 20m WSPR Pico Balloon 1176
:KE0AKT-8>APRS,TCPIP*,qAS,KC0MWM:/075441h3903.75N/02347.49EO126/043/A=042322 7 Sats 5.40V 12900m -10C KM19VB QD3VVB KE0AKT 20m WSPR Pico Balloon 1175